

As of February 22, 2024, Destinées will no longer be authorized to operate in Vietnam and in Slovakia.
COFA and AFA will be accredited for Vietnam and AYUDA for Slovakia.
Families interested to adopt in
Vietnam are invited from today to contact :

Families wishing to adopt in Slovakia are invited from today to contact :


Candidates for adoption can only turn to approved bodies which have obtained an authorisation issued by the services of social aid to childhood in their area of residence. Destined declared its activity, accepted in return, in the following departments :
02 - Aisne 35 - Ille-et-Vilaine  69 - Métropole de Lyon
04 - Alpes de Haute-Provence 38 - Isère  70 - Haute-Saône
06 - Alpes-Maritimes 45 - Loiret 74 - Haute-Savoie
08 - Ardennes  47 - Lot-et-Garonne 75 - Paris
10 - Aube 50 - Manche 77 - Seine-et-Marne
13 - Bouches-du-Rhône 51 - Marne 79 - Deux-Sèvres
17 - Charente-Maritime 52 - Haute-Marne 80 - Somme
20 A - Corse du Sud 54 - Meurthe-et-Moselle  81 - Tarn
20 B - Haute-Corse 55 - Meuse 83 - Var
21 - Côte d'Or 57 - Moselle 84 - Vaucluse
24 - Dordogne 59 - Nord 85 - Vendée
25 - Doubs 64 - Pyrénées Atlantiques 88 - Vosges
28 - Eure-et-Loir 65 - Hautes-Pyrénées 90 - Territoire de Belfort
29 - Finistère 67 - Bas-Rhin 91 - Essone
33 - Gironde 68 - Haut-Rhin 92 - Hauts-de-Seine

The authorised and accredited body is regularly to deposit a declaration of activity in other departments, thus providing an opportunity to study new applications.

Number of children

  Viêt Nam   Slovaquie Total
  By year Aggregate   By year Aggregate  
2005 15 15       15
2006 64 79       79
2007 109 188       188
2008 23 211       211
2009 48 259       259
2010 65 324       324
2011 28 352       352
2012 2 354       354
2013 2 356       356
2014 7* 363       363
2015 11* 374       374
2016 12* 386       386
2017 23 (20*) 409   3 3 412
2018 11 (9*) 420       423
2019 7 (7*) 427       430
2020 4 (1*) 431   1 4 435
2021 7 (3*) 438       442
2022 10 (4*) 448   1 5 453
2023 7 455       460
2024 4 459       464

* : children with special needs

Scope of activities

Destinées is a AAB whose object is by the adoption to find in France a family for Slovak or Vietnamese children permanently deprived of his or her family in the country of origin. Destinées partners with the Hoa Trang - Fleur Blanche Association ( wich help to improve the future of Vietnamese and Slovak children whether adoptable or not.

Destinées is recognised as a major operator in its role as an qualified intermediate to find adoptive families for children originating from Vietnam or Slovakia.

Destinées wants to respect both in France and in the country of origin, under the Hague Convention, the laws and conventions binding France to these two countries, the values which have inspired its own creation:

  • the primacy of the interests of the child. It is intended to seek for a child who would have no alternative in his country of origin, a French family having an “actual ability” to the accommodation of a child;
  • fairness, equality, transparency, secularism.
In this context, Destinées ensure that:
  • The selection of the families applying for project approval;
  • Information and preparation of selected sets;
  • Control and transmission of files required by the country of origin;
  • Their progress in the countries of origin;
  • The transmission of linked proposed by countries of origin;
  • Supporting families at the meeting with their child;
  • Monitoring post adoption and preparation of monitoring reports.

Applying to Destinées

Destinées only responds to letter of adoption applicants arriving by mail to

In return Destinées adresses the family an introductory note and a list of deliverables to be candidates.
In order to determine whether the candidates present a compatibile project with the adoptable children and suitable to the requirements of countries of origin, a reading commission of the case files shall meet in order to give a first opinion. Then one or more (exploratory talks with members of the body or external speakers) are foreseen and the Management Board decides whether or not the admissibility of the application.
At the end of the application, the family is invited to complete and sign a Relationship Development Project. It must then fill and sign an adoption file, required by the authorities of the country selected. There is at this stage no guarantee for family to have a child by Destinées.

Contact :

Centre Blenovista
Rue de Maidières
Tel :
Courriel :
To know more about international adoption : consult the governement adopted portal in France and abroad